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Univariate trend analysis tool.




TRENDTOOL allows the user to graphically perform univariate analysis of two-way data. Inputs are axis which is the variable scale to plot against [can be omitted] and data the data to plot in which rows are samples. If data is omitted, the user is prompted to load a DataSet to analyze.

Right-clicking on the trend data plot allows placement of "markers". Markers return some metric at a given point (includes signal at the point, integrated signal between two points, full-width at half height, or interpolated position between two points).

A reference marker can be added to any marker to subtract the height at a point or a two-point baseline from the associated marker.

Other operations: Markers can be saved or loaded using the toolbar buttons. A Waterfall plot (linked to axis range shown in data plot) can be created using the waterfall toolbar button.

The results of the analysis are plotted in the trend results plot which shows a color-coded results of the univariate analysis and allows saving of the analysis results and selection of points to show in the trend data figure.

See Also

pca, plotgui

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