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Scales data back to original scaling.
- rx = rescale(x,means,stds,options)
Rescales a matrix x, using the means means and standard deviation stds vectors specified.
- x = matrix of input data
- means = vector of means to be used for rescaling
- stds = vector of standard deviations to be used for rescaling
If only two input arguments are supplied, the function will correct the means only.
- rx = rescaled version of the input data x
options = a structure array with the field:
- stdthreshold = [0] scalar value or vector of standard deviation threshold values. If a standard deviation is below its corresponding threshold value, the threshold value will be used in lieu of the actual value. A scalar value is used as a threshold for all variables.
- rx = rescale(x,means) rescales a mean centered matrix x using a vector of means means.
- rx = rescale(x,means,stds) rescales a previously autoscaled matrix x using a vector of means means, and vector of standard deviations stds.
See Also
auto, medcn, mncn, npreprocess, preprocess, scale