PLS Toolbox Test Data Sets
From Eigenvector Documentation Wiki
alcohol - Biological fluid analysis of alcoholics for discriminant analysis. aminoacids - Fluorescence EEM of 5 samples for PARAFAC. arch - Archeological artifact data set for PCA amd SIMCA examples. bread - Sensory evaluation of breads. dorrit - EEM of 27 samples with 4 flourophores for PARAFAC. etchdata - Engineering process data from semiconductor metal etch (MPCA). fia - Flow Injection Analysis of hydroxy-benzaldehydes. halddata - Hald cement curing data. nir_data - NIR spectra of pseudo gasoline samples for STDDEMO. nmr_data - NMR data for GRAM demo. oesdata - Optical emission spectra from metal etch. paint - Non-linear paint formulation data. pcadata - Slurry Fed Ceramic Melter data. plsdata - SFCM data for PCR and PLS demos.
- plslogo - Generates PLS_Toolbox CR surface logo.
projdat - Projection demo data for PROJDEMO. pulsdata - Time series data for PLSPULSM demo. replacedata - SFCM data for REPLACEDEMO. sawdata - Surface acoustic wave sensor data for organic vapors. statdata - Data sets for ANOVA and statistics STATDEMO. sugar - Fluorescence EEM N-way data set. wine - Wine demographic data set for PCA example. areadrdemtext.txt - Text file used by AREADRDEMO. xclreadrdata.txt - Text file used by XCLREADRDEMO. Redbeerdata.xls - Example spreadsheet for "Intro to MATLAB".
(Sub topic of Categorical_Index)