Model Cache

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Model Cache Introduction

The Model Cache provides a way to keep a record of your model making activities. When turned on, the caching function will keep track of all of the models, data, and predictions created during the data analysis process. The Model Cache GUI incorporates a "tree" view of you cached items and allows you to display items in several sorted hierarchical ways.

Model Cache Window

Cacheable Items

Models, data, and predictions created within the Analysis GUI will be automatically cached. As soon as a model is created, the model and the data used to create it will be added to the cache. If new data is loaded and a prediction is made, this new data and the prediction are added to the cache. Each time the data is changed and a new model created from that modified data, each version of the data will be added to the cache.

These cached items are stored on your disk so, even if you close PLS_Toolbox or Solo (or even reboot or crash your computer), the data and models will be available when you restart. You do not need to perform any special action to store the data or models, they are stored as soon as the model or prediction calculations are complete.

Model Cache Viewer in Analysis GUI

Within the Analysis GUI an additional frame can be opened (as shown above) displaying the items contained within your cache project (if the frame is not hidden), it can be opened through the Analysis GUI "Tools" menu. There are 3 different organizational views to select from:

lineage - Sorts items by the data name. Under each of those entries, the time stamps for the data at each modification point along with models or predictions made from that data will be identified. If you make a change to the data (without changing its name) it is sorted by date of the change.
date - Sorts all objects simply by date of creation.
type - Sorts by object type, data, model, or prediction.

Note that in any view, items at the top of the model cache tree provide access the cache view and other settings.

Managing Your Cache

There are several settings that you can use to help manage your cache. These settings can be modified through the "Cache Settings and View" branch at the top of the Model Cache window of Analysis GUI. Some can be modified directly, others require setting through "Edit Model Cache Settings". They can also be modified from the Edit>Options menu of Analysis GUI.

cachefolder - Specifies the folder in which all of your cached information is stored. Default is the system temporary folder (Note this may be deleted by some operating systems when the computer is restarted.)
HINT: if this folder is located on a network folder or another user's networked computer, you and other users can share the same model cache. This allows you to share data and models between each other. Any data changes you make or models you build will instantly be available in the other users' model cache windows.
project - Specifies an optional sub-folder within the cachefolder to hold cached items. The default project is named "general" and is automatically created. The project setting can be used to separate cached items among different work projects, for example. Note that all cached items are stored in a standard format readable from PLS_Toolbox or Solo. This setting can also be changed using "Change Project" in the "Cache Settings and View" branch of the Model Cache.
maxdatasize - Specifies the maximum size of a data item that can be stored (in total number of table elements.)
maxage - Maximum number of days an item will be saved within the cache. Items older than this number of days are permanently deleted from the cache. See Manipulating Cache Items below for information on saving items elsewhere.

Manipulating Cache Items

Various actions can be performed on any cached item by right-clicking the item and selecting one of the following items from the menu:

Load Item - Loads selected item into the current analysis GUI.
Show Item - Opens selected item in a separate window (DataSet Editor or Model Reader).
Save Cached Item As... - Save the cached item to the workspace or file.
Open In New Window - Opens item in new Analysis window.
Rename - Rename cached item.
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