Managing Windows

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Managing Windows In PLS_Toolbox and Solo

Managing numerous windows can be challenging, especially when you have limited screen space. PLS_Toolbox/Solo provides several tools for helping with this problem.

Figure Browser

The figbrowser utility (short for "Figure Browser") is available as a menu item at the top of all open figures. FigBrwoser Menu

Docking Behavior

There are three different docking behaviors you can set via the Edit>Options>Window Docking Settings menu of either Analysis GUI or the Workspace Browser:

  • Do not dock windows.
  • Do new plots and non-GUIs.
  • Dock all figures.

Browse Icons

You can also set the Workspace Browser to display figures as icons by setting the viewfigures option to true. Do this via the menu Edit>Options>Workspace Browser Options or using setplspref from the command line using the following command:

>> setplspref('browse', 'viewfigures', 'true')

Once you’ve set the preferences, you may have to restart the Workspace Browser for the new preferences to take affect.

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