PLS_Toolbox Documentation: tucker< ttestp unfoldm >



TUCKER analysis for n-way arrays.



model = tucker(x,ncomp,initval,options)          %tucker model

pred  = tucker(x,model)                          %application

options = tucker('options')


TUCKER decomposes an array of order K (where K >= 3) into the summation over the outer product of K vectors. As opposed to PARAFAC every combination of factors in each mode are included (subspaces). Missing values must be NaN or Inf.


                         x =   the multi-way array to be decomposed and

                 ncomp =   the number of components to estimate, or

                 model =   a TUCKER model structure.


             initval =   if initval is the loadings from a previous TUCKER model are then these are used as the initial starting values to estimate a final model,

                                 if initval is a TUCKER model structure then mode 1 loadings (scores) are estimated from x and the loadings in the other modes (see output pred),

      options = discussed below.


                 model =   a structure array with the following fields:

     modeltype:  'TUCKER',

    datasource:  structure array with information about input data,

          date:   date of creation,

          time:   time of creation,

          info:   additional model information,

         loads:   1 by K+1 cell array with model loadings for each mode/dimension,

          pred:   cell array with model predictions for each input data block,

          tsqs:  cell array with T2 values for each mode,

  ssqresiduals:  cell array with sum of squares residuals for each mode,

   description:   cell array with text description of model, and

        detail:  sub-structure with additional model details and results.

                   pred =   is a structure array, similar to model, that contains prediction results for new data fit to the TUCKER model.


             options =   a structure array with the following fields:

              display:   [ {'on'} | 'off' ], governs level of display,

                  plots:   [ {'final'} | 'all' | 'none' ], governs level of plotting,

              weights:  [], used for fitting a weighted loss function (discussed below),

            stopcrit:   [1e-6 1e-6 10000 3600] defines the stopping criteria as [(relative tolerance) (absolute tolerance) (maximum number of iterations) (maximum time in seconds)],

                    init:   [ 0 ], defines how parameters are initialized (see PARAFAC),

                    line:   [ 0 | {1}] defines whether to use the line search {default uses it},

                    algo:   this option is not yet active,

    blockdetails:   'standard'

              missdat:   this option is not yet active,

        samplemode:   [1], defines which mode should be considered the sample or object mode and

      constraints:   {4x1 cell}, defines constraints on parameters (see PARAFAC). The first three cells define constraints on loadings whereas the last cell defines constraints on the core.

The default options can be retreived using: options = tucker('options');.

See Also

corcondia, coreanal, corecalc, datahat, gram, mpca, mwfit, outerm, parafac, parafac2, tld, unfoldm

< ttestp unfoldm >