PLS_Toolbox Documentation: rmse< rinverse rwb >



Calculate Root Mean Square Difference(Error).



err = rmse(y1,y2)


RMSE is used to calculate the root mean square difference between two vectors or matrices. If the vector or matrix is from a model estimation and measurements then the output is the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE).

Output depends on the input:

A) y1 is a matrix or vector


      err = rmse(y1);

The output err is the root mean square of the elements of y1.

B) y1 is a matrix or vector, y2 the same size as y1


      err = rmse(y1,y2);

The output err is the root mean square of the difference between y1 and y2.

C) y1 is a matrix or vector, y2 a column vector.


      err = rmse(y1,y2);

The output err is the root mean square of the difference between each column of y1 and y2.

For example, y2 is a reference and the RMSE is calculated between each column of y1 and the vector y2.

See Also


< rinverse rwb >