| Graphical Interfaces and Tools |
analysis - Two new methods (MLR and MPCA). Several enhancements to look and feel to help both novice and advanced users. More right-click menus, color coding status boxes, several tools for enhanced control of method settings and data viewing, and better functionality for getting information in and out of the Analysis model building environment.
browse - The PLS_Toolbox Workspace browser has become a full-featured interface to allow useres to import, modify and begin analysis of data.
editds - Much improved field editing behavior and support for CSV export of DataSet Objects.
figbrowser - This new interface is initially available on Analysis and PLS_Workspace browser windows but, when selected, is automatically available on all figures.
genalg - The genetic algorithm variable selection tool interface. Improved preprocessing support including viewing of preprocessed data, and "pre-application" of preprocessing (allows faster analysis).
plotgui - Improved figure management and publishing, additional viewing and labeling functionality (including time/date stamps), and the addition of numerous keyboard shortcuts.
trendtool - A new graphical analysis tool which permits the user to use right-click to mark a variable of interest and view how that variable changes in the "other" dimension of a DataSet (e.g. in time, i.e. sample, space).