PLS_Toolbox Documentation: encodexml< encode estimatefactors >



Convert standard data types into XML-encoded text.



xml = encodexml(var)

xml = encodexml(var,'name')

xml = encodexml(var,'name','outputfile.xml')


Converts a standard Matlab variable (var) into a human-readable XML format. The optional second input ('name') gives the name for the object's outer wrapper and the optional third input ('filename.xml') gives the name for the output file (if omitted, the XML is only returned in the output variable). For more information on the format, see the PARSEXML function.



>> z.a = 1;

>> z.b = { 'this' ; 'that' };

>> z.c.sub1 = 'one field';

>> z.c.sub2 = 'second field';


>> z = encodexml(z,'mystruct')


z =


  <a class="numeric" size="[1,1]">1</a>

  <b class="cell" size="[2,1]">


      <td class="string">this</td>



      <td class="string">that</td>




    <sub1 class="string">one field</sub1>

    <sub2 class="string">second field</sub2>



See Also

encode, parsexml

< encode estimatefactors >