PLS_Toolbox Documentation: corrmap< corecalc corrspec >



Correlation map with variable regrouping.



order = corrmap(data,labels,reord)

order = corrmap(data,reord)


CORRMAP produces a pseudocolor map that shows the correlation between variables (columns) in a data set. The function will reorder the variables by KNN clustering if desired.

The input is the data data class "double" or "dataset".

Optional input labels contains the variable labels when the data is class "double".

Optional input reord will cause CORRMAP to keep the original ordering of the variables if set to 0.

The output order is a vector of indices with the variable ordering.

corrmap(data,labels) produces a psuedocolor correlation map with variable reordering.

corrmap(data,labels,0) produces a psuedocolor correlation map without variable reordering.

See Also

autocor, cluster, crosscor, gcluster, pca, pcolormap, rwb

< corecalc corrspec >