PLS_Toolbox Documentation: vip< varimax vline >



Calculate Variable Importance in Projection from regression model.



vip_scores = vip(mode)


Variable Importance in Projection (VIP) scores estimate the importance of each variable in the projection used in a PLS model and is often used for variable selection. A variable with a VIP Score close to or greater than 1 (one) can be considered important in given model. Variables with VIP scores significantly less than 1 (one) are less important and might be good candidates for exclusion from the model.

The input is a PLS model structure (model). The output (vip_scores) is a set of column vectors equal in length to the number of variables included in the model. It contains one column of VIP scores for each column of the original calibration y-block.

See Chong & Jun, Chemo. Intell. Lab. Sys. 78 (2005) 103–112.

See Also

plotloads, pls, plsda

< varimax vline >