PLS_Toolbox Documentation: logdecay< localmax lsq2top >



Variance scales a matrix using the log decay of the variable axis.



[sx,logscl] = logdecay(x,tau)


Inputs are data to be scaled (x), and the decay rate (tau). Outputs are the variance scaled matrix (sx) and the log decay based variance scaling parameters (logscl).

For an m x n matrix 'x' the variance scaling used for variable 'i' is exp(-(i-1)/((n-1)*tau)). This gives a scaling of 1 on the first variable (i.e. no scaling), and a scaling of 1/exp(-1/tau) on the last variable. The following table gives example values of tau and the scaling on the last variable:


 tau    scaling

   1      2.7183

  1/2     7.3891

  1/3    20.0855

  1/4    54.5982

  1/5   148.4132

See Also

autoscale, scale

< localmax lsq2top >