PLS_Toolbox Documentation: kdensity< ensurep kstest >



Calculates the kernel density estimate.



[kde, newx] = kdensity(x,code,width,n,at)


Produces the kernel density estimate of the data contained in the input vector (x) which must be real.


                         x =   The name of a matrix (column vector) in which the sample data is stored.

                   code =   Integer between 1 and 7 indicating which kernel to use.

                                                               1 - Bivwight

                                                                2 - Cosine

                                                   3 - Epanechnikov {default}

                                                               4 - Gaussian

                                                                5 - Parzen

                                                               6 - Triangle

                   width =   scalar, optional window width to use in the kernel calculation. If not specified, then the optimal window width is used according to the calculation:


                         n =   scalar, number of points at which to estimate the density.

                        at =   vector, allows the user to specify a vector of points at which the density should be estimated. By using this option, it makes it easier to overlay density estimates for different samples on the same graph.


        newx =   x input returned.

        kde =   The return value is a structure with fields.

          x =   vector of points where density was estimated. Will be the same as 'at' input if used.

          fx =   ?

          n =   number of points at which to estimate density. Same as 'n' input if used.

       width =   window width used. Same as 'width' input if used.

       kernel =   name of kernel used.




kde = kdensity(x,2);

kde = kdensity(x,2,22.4);

kde = kdensity(x,2,22.4,50);

kde = kdensity(x,2,22.4,50,y);

See Also


< ensurep kstest >