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PLS_Toolbox Documentation: tld | < svdlgpls | tsqlim > |
Trilinear decomposition.
model = tld(x,ncomp,scl,plots)
The trilinear decomposition can be used to decompose a 3-way array as the summation over the outer product of triads of vectors. Inputs are the 3 way array x and the number of components to estimate ncomp. Optional input variables include scales for each of of the array axes, (scl1, scl2, scl3). These axes can be entered as 0 or [] placeholders. The output of TLD is a structured array (model) containing all of the model elements in the following fields:
xname: name of the original workspace input variable
name: :type of model, always 'TLD'
date: model creation date stamp
time: model creation time stamp
size: size of the original input array
loads: 1 by 3 cell array of the loadings in each dimension
res: 1 by 3 cell array residuals summed over each dimension
scl: 1 by 3 cell array with scales for plotting loads
Note that the model loadings are presented as unit vectors for the first two dimensions, remaining scale information is incorporated into the final (third) dimension.
See Also
gram, mwfit, outer, outerm, parafac
< svdlgpls | tsqlim > |