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PLS_Toolbox Documentation: imgpca | < hline | imgselct > |
Principal Components Analysis of Multivariate Images.
model = imgpca(mwa,scaling,nocomp)
newmod = imgpca(mwa,model,plots)
IMGPCA uses principal components analysis to make psuedocolor maps of multivariate images. The input is the multivariate image mwa.
Optional inputs are scaling the scaling to be used,
and the number of PCs to calculate nocomp.
It is assumed that the image (mwa) is a 3 dimensional (MxNxP) array where each image is MxN pixels and there are P images. IMGPCA presents each scores, residual, and T2 matrix as a psuedocolor image. If 3 are more PCs are selected (nocomp>=3), a composite of the first three PCs is shown as an rgb image, with red for the first PC, green for the second, and blue for the the third.
The output model is a structure with the following fields:
Note that the scores, residuals and T2 matrices are stored as unsigned 8 bit integers (uint8) scaled so their range is 0 to 255. These can be viewed with the IMAGE function, but be sure the current colormap has 256 colors. For example, to view the scores on the second PC using the jet colormap:
image(model.scores(:,:,2)), colormap(jet(256)), colorbar
See Also
contrastmod, imgselct, imgsimca, imread, isimcapr
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