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PLS_Toolbox Documentation: cluster | < class2logical | coadd > |
K-means and K-nearest neighbor cluster analysis with dendrograms.
options = cluster('options')
cluster(data) performs a cluster analysis on data matrix data using K-means or K-nearest neighbor clustering and plots a dendrogram showing distances between the samples. data can be class "double" or "dataset".
Optional input labels can be used to put labels on the dendrogram plots. For data M by N then labels must be a character array with M rows. When labels is not specified and data is class "double", the dendrogram is plotted using sample numbers. When labels is not specified and data is class "dataset", the dendrogram is plotted using sample labels. If the labels field is empty it will use sample numbers.
The output is a dendrogram showing the sample distances.
Note: Calling cluster with no inputs starts the graphical user interface (GUI) for this analysis method.
The default options can be retreived using: options = cluster('options');.
See Also
analysis, corrmap, gcluster, simca
< class2logical | coadd > |